
Saturday, February 5, 2011

We've made it!

After almost a full day of travel we are here in Haiti!  Notice I didn't say here in Haiti, safe and sound....we are safe and mostly sound but we have already had our first accident...don't panic's only a sprained ankle!  Scott stepped out of the van and right onto a piece of rubble and turned his ankle.  We thought it was broken but after locating a hospital with a working x-ray machine we found that it was only a sprain.  Scott's up and moving around and ready for ministry now!  Ace bandage and all.
Scott's first minutes at the Haitian Queen

God was working as soon as we hit the airport in Minneapolis.  We got to the ticket counter and had received notice that our first flight to Chicago was delayed.  However American Airlines had already changed our flights to an earlier flight so we could make our connection to Fort Lauderdale.  All of our flights were on time after that and we got here 10 minutes early!
Street in Port au Prince

The trip through Port au Prince was a little overwhelming.  There are people everywhere.  And the roads are filled with potholes and earthquake cracks so the ride was very bumpy.  Riding past homes that have been flatted and a ruined Presidential Palace was one thing but seeing the piles of trash in the river that leads straight out to the ocean was unreal.  There are also many, and I mean many, little roadside stands along the roads.  They sell everything from ice cold water to clothing.  And the vendors are not afraid to walk in the traffic selling their wares.
Walking up the mountain to see the new homes being built

Once we arrived at the house we got the tour, ate a few  granola bars for lunch and were off to see a crew putting roofs on Samaritan's purse houses (Scott was at the hospital). Rob and Paul quickly got to work and started to help the roofers.  And Andrea and Jackie played with the neighborhood kids.  They all wanted hugs and for us to hold them.  The unreal part of this is... these homes were in the mountains and the recipients have to carry everything to build their new homes up rock strewn paths and it took us 15 minutes in 95 degree heat to get up there!   They are used to this heat so I suppose it isn't as hard as it was for us to walk up.  They got 4 roofs done in the hour or so we were up there.
Paul standing with homeowner after his house was roofed today

Working on a house

The "Haitian Queen" is our new home away from home and it's really nice.  We have filtered drinking water, flush toilets and the food at our evening meal was homemade pizza made by the Haitian cook.  We have nice bunks with new bunk mattresses and our own mosquito nets.  Tonight we are going to sit back and relax, read books or play cards and just enjoy or time.  Tomorrow is church and Monday we go to our first orphanage.

Tomorrow is also Super Bowl Sunday!  Rob and Christine (missionary) are looking for a channel to watch it on on Satelite TV...we may not have an announcer but even if we can watch Green Bay would be awesome.  If all else fails...we do feeds from the internet!  GO PACK GO!  Did you not think I would put a plug in for the Pack?

Please pray for Scott's ankle and for us to keep our stamina in this heat.  Pray that our hearts continue to be guarded and for us to do what God has called us to do for this country and these awesome, warm people.

Jackie, Rob, Scott, Paul and Andrea


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