
Thursday, February 3, 2011

We lay it all at the foot of the Cross

It's here.  Our trip to Haiti has arrived.  At 1:00 PM tomorrow, Friday, Feb 4, 2011 we leave Minneapolis and 3 feet of snow and our comfortable homes and beds and go to Port au Prince, Haiti where it will be 90 degrees and we will be living in bunk houses. 

The earth has stopped trembling but that doesn't mean the Haitian people have.  They live each day wondering if the next earthquake will hit.  Most will not go back into their home, even if they are left standing, for fear that it will come down on top of them.  For many a tent made of sheets or tarps is their home.  Our bunk house is looking pretty good right now isn't it?

We will be putting roofs on Samaritan's Purse temporary shelters and working with orphans in some of the orphanages in the area.  Loving on the people that will live in these shelters and on the many children left without parents will be such a joy for all of us. However we will have to lay ourselves down at the foot of the Cross more than once during our short 8 day visit to Haiti as we put our own feelings and comforts aside and be the hands and feet of Jesus to the Haitians.

Please be in prayer for our hearts to be protected.  For us to see God working not only in the Haitian people but in the lives of our team members.  Pray for open hearts and open minds.  Pray for health and safety for the team.  Pray for Wes and Christine our Touch Global missionary hosts at the mission house, lovingly called the Haitian Queen.  Pray for unity for our team and for us to do whatever it is that God asks us to do without complaint.

Thank you to each of your for partnering with us on this trip.  We couldn't do it without you!


Paul, Scott, Andrea, Rob and Jackie

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