I would like to thank you for all your prayers. Things are starting to turn around a little now. We are getting a lot accomplished on the house we were having so much troubled with getting electricity to the house that I finally had to tear it all apart and start over. There was so much junk in the breaker box it was unbelievable. There were #10 wires running into # 8 wires and back to #10. There were no wire nuts on anything. There were little jumper wires all over the place and we were probably only getting half the power that the generator was putting out into the house. I got it all cleaned up and now I have 240 running into the house instead of 120 and we aren't blowing breakers any more. After getting into it though the job just keep growing and growing so now I have to rewire the solar panel system cause we should be getting a lot more out of it. Will be doing that tomorrow.
The block work is coming along great. Four guys from Massachucets came down and we hired three guys from down here and they are moving! It should be ready for the rafters by the end of the week.
We went to Chistianville to church this morning and we ran into one of the eye doctors named Frank very nice man. He is a Haitian and he offered to translate the service for us so we sat in back and he did an awesome job. They had a great service. The people are so nice it isn't as dangerous as we expected but just the opposite. They are so grateful that we are down here to help them.
Mike Gunderson and the ladies went to town and had a day with about seventy kids on Saturday. They told a Bible story and played a bunch of games. The kids had a ball. I brought a bunch of cards that the kids at MGEFC made for the kids down here they handed out the cards and they really enjoyed them. They are off to do it again tomorrow with another bunch and I believe they are doing it on Tuesday also. I think the groups are supposed to be bigger this week. Please pray for them that the kids can just have a little time to be kids and to forget about the chaos in their lives.

Well we did some touring today to get the work crew out and to see some sights.
I have to close now it is almost 10:00 PM and we need to turn the generator off and I need to send this first.
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