We have all had a rough last two nights. If you could please say a few prayers tonight that the earth could be calm tonight. We all are exhausted and need some rest. Two nights ago at 4:00 am we had a 4.7 earthquake or after shock. That started our day a bit earlier then we intended. We all were standing out side after running out of this house trying to calm our nerves. Then we went inside and had our breakfast. There was a little talk all day about the security of being inside and maybe the Haitians are outside for a reason. Well Last night we had another wake up call at about 2:30 AM and it pretty much rumbled all night and I believe we had at least six tremors and then another one at breakfast about 7:00 AM. Well today (Tuesday) we spent the day putting up temporary housing for us outside. Tomorrow we will be putting up some frame work that will last for future teams. We had 7 more people come in today so now we have 15 people here. 2 of which will be helping with the construction. One is to take my place. I am excited to pass the baton along because it has been challenging to say the least as everything has had to be repaired in some way, shape or form in the whole house and I am just exhausted. And then not to be able to sleep just added to the frustration. But as a whole, the team has hung in there and we have stuck together and under these circumstances that is God and his presence here and each and everyone of us is here because God asked us to come down here to help the Haitian people. And we all are here for His purpose and His purpose alone and He will take care of us. In my devotions yesterday morning I was reading Philippians 1:20 and 21 "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, But will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me." I love to be here and I know this is where I am suppose to be. But this passage gave me peace about being here. But it is still unnerving when the earth is shaking under you. Just as Peter felt when he was walking on the water and he was in the presence of Jesus. We all have our faith put to the test.
Wednesday night now....Well the generator got shut off and this didn't get sent out in time. So this is the next night and we all prayed before we went to bed for a calm night so we could get some rest and God answered our prayers. Amen. We all got a good night sleep. But we continue to build outside. Had a little tremor about an hour ago. Hope its not another rough night.

The guys are doing an awesome job. There is a lot of switching from one job to another, and about face. And they have done great, very flexible if you can't do change its hard to go on a mission trip. You have to be flexible it's Gods plan and His agenda and sometimes we don't understand it but we need to go with it. It always turns out in the end and you sit back and say Wow did you see what God did? It is awesome to see every time and I never get tired of it. Well I need to get this out tonight so you can be praying.
Thanks for praying
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