
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Back to the Haitian Queen

It seems like just yesterday that I was packing my suitcase to go to Haiti and there was 18 inches of snow on the ground here...oh wait....that was yesterday.  All kidding aside, my suitcases are packed, my heart is full of love and my mind is full of so many details I don't know how much I'll sleep the next 2 nights. 

On Saturday morning I'll meet up with a team from Baxter, Minnesota to travel back to Port au Prince, Haiti.  How blessed I am that a team from Minnesota is going down and I don't have to travel alone.  One of the couples is going down to see there new daughter at Operation Love the Children of Haiti.  Tracey, the wife, had met Maddy but Eric has not.  Pray for this to be a blessed time for this family.  This team has 7 people.  There will be several  others meeting up with us in Miami and even more coming and going during my 7 day stay at the Haitian Queen (our loving name for the mission house in Haiti).  For a few days we will have approximately 30 people from at least 2 different countries, not including the Haitians.

Some are going down to help build homes, some to play with orphans, some to minister to Haitians, some to coach Haitians to become church planters, some to meet with other ministries but all to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the people of Haiti.  The gospel will be told literally and figuratively to many next week.  Please pray for open hearts and open minds and the God prepares all of us and everyone we come in contact with.

My role over the week I am in Haiti will be to help the in country staff with whatever they need help with in keeping those 30 people happy and making sure they all get fed and where they need to be each day.  Pray that I can minister to those that are at the house and be able to serve them and God to the fullest.  Let this be my spiritual act of worship for the week.

Please pray for safety for everyone, relationships to build and grow, the orphans we have all fallen in love with and for us all to listen to what God is telling each of us and to boldly walk where ever it is He asks us to walk.


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