
Monday, February 13, 2012

Our journey to the Field

We want to send out an update to our wonderful journey as we prepare for our ministry. To those who may not have heard Jackie and I have been working on the application process to become missionaries with the Evangelical Free Church of America, ReachGlobal. Where we will be working with Crisis Response. This last week we where invited to the Readiness Event which is part of the training and interviewing process. This was a very long week which was held at the main offices in Bloomington MN. It was very informational and we learned so much about ourselves, each other and the organization. We are encouraged as they focus mainly on team health and personal health.
This is the kind of organization we want to be involved with.
Well we have learned that since we are going to be working with many, many volunteers which means many, many personalities, they would like to prepare us for that. As we will be the face of ReachGlobal, we would like them to have the best experience of their life. To do that we need to be able to communicate to all those different personalities. So we will be doing some training on the Strengths Finder, DISC and the Myers Briggs which are personality assessments. Along with those we will be attending the Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills (SYIS) Workshop in Phenix AZ in May. We are very excited as we continue our growth in the Lord, to see the work He has been doing in us as He is preparing us for great things in His plan to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Thank you for all your prayers and continue praying for us as we go through the process to our acceptance in to ReachGlobal.

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