
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sharing our Blessings

We just finished up with Thanksgiving and most of us probably went around the table 
and said what we were thankful for. Well, all those things are blessings and they are 
given to us by God. When we really think about it there are a lot more that we didn’t say 
at the table. I know for me I could go on for hours. When we look at the rest of the 
world we are a very blessed nation. As I read the Bible it tells me we have been 
blessed so we can be a blessing. In Gen. 12:1-3, God asked Abraham to go and I will 
bless you and through you I will bless all nations. We are part of that blessing and we are to use it to bless all peoples but we must go to do that. Then I read on in Matt. 28:19 where Jesus gives us a mandate that all of us should follow. “There for go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching 
them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Here we see go again, so right now all of us should be in one of two stages, either we are being discipled or we are discipling. Where do you fit in there and how long does it take to make a disciple? Jesus took three years, so we need to be on the move. Go. 

Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice  and because of that we can have a relationship with 
God. Since then we no longer have to take our sacrifices to the high priest to be 
forgiven. That in itself is a huge blessing. As a matter of fact sacrifice for us is only mentioned 
in the New Testament twice. Once in Romans 12.1 “Therefore, I urge you brothers, in 
view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-
this is your spiritual act of worship.” Again in Philippians 4:18 as Paul was traveling 
around doing ministry work the people were supporting him and Paul says their gifts are 
“a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.” Though we do not need to 
sacrifice for our relationship with God we do need to sacrifice ourselves and our 
resources to carry the gospel message to others. Our Blessings. 

This doesn’t means to give what we can afford or to serve if we have time, this means we look at what is a true sacrifice and give out of our blessings not just our abundance.

Ephesians 5:8 “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light.” 

Jackie and I are so blessed that God has brought us from darkness and made us light. 
We have chosen to sacrifice our lives to him by serving with TouchGlobal so we  can 
bring the gospel to those in need in the wake of disaster. In our experience, we 
found God when there was no where else to turn and someone was there  to share Jesus with us. We need to Go. We need to pass the Blessing.  God just keeps pouring his Blessings on us since we have decided to Go.  I challenge you to Go spread your blessings that God has given you so they can see what Jesus did for you and that you are blessing them because Jesus blessed you. 

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